Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More "indoctrination": Conservative media attack Obama's proposal for more school
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Beck guru Skousen's "story of slavery" suggests slave owners were "worst victims of the system"
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3 energy co have ditched U.S. Chamber of Commerce over its opposition to global warming action. Add Nike to it
to global warming action. Add Nike to it
Newsmax removes column that called for military coup to resolve the
'Obama problem.'
RNC Hispanic Heritage month press release messes up Spanish — over and
over again
It's time for still another 10 moments in the extremism of Mike Huckabee:
Health-Reform Foe Runs Firm Serving Patients Who Would Benefit From
Public Option
there's a Knight Templar/freemason in the House of
Beck leads conservative media in raising specter of Chicago cronyism to attack Obama's bid for Olympics
Conservative media have suggested or claimed that President Obama is
advocating for Chicago to host the 2016 Olympics in order to return
political favors to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley or forward the
financial interests of other "Chicago pals." For instance, Glenn Beck
advanced baseless speculation that Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett "may
personally benefit" from the Olympics, and Michelle Malkin wrote that
Daley "cronies" in Obama's circle are "returning the favor for their
hometown boss" by pushing for the Chicago Olympics.
Conservative media suggest Obama's Olympics bid is cronyism
Beck advanced baseless speculation that "some people say" Valerie
Jarrett "may personally benefit" from the Olympics. Beck stated on his
Fox News show, "President Obama is heading to Denmark this week to
help sway the International Olympic Committee into picking his own
hometown of Chicago for the 2016 Olympics. This would be great for
Chicago, sure, but will it benefit anyone else?" He later said that
"some" were speculating that Jarrett "may personally benefit." [Glenn
Beck, 9/29/09]
Pat Caddell: "[W]hat we're going to have is gangster politics that
will make Al Capone so happy." Fox News contributor Caddell told Beck
that "in Chicago, what we're going to have is gangster politics that
will make Al Capone so happy. We are going -- this is the biggest
outrage ever done." When asked, "[I]s it possible that [Jarrett] is
going to benefit if the Olympics come to Chicago?" Caddell stated,
"Well, that's the word. She certainly had a lot of dealings going on
in real estate." [Glenn Beck, 9/29/09]
Malkin: Obama pushing Chicago Olympics for "[p]olitical payback."
Malkin wrote that after "help[ing] pave Obama's path to 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue," Daley "cronies" are "returning the favor for
their hometown boss." She added, "It takes a crony-filled White House
to raise a Chicago Olympic village. Daley and Obama will get the
glory. America will get stuck with the bill." Malkin has also labeled
Jarrett "[d]e facto Olympics czar." [, 9/30/09]
Hume: "[A] lot of people will ... not ever get over" the idea that
Obama "was on a political errand for Mayor Daley." Fox News
contributor Brit Hume stated that if Obama succeeds in bringing the
2016 Olympics to Chicago, "It would be a win, and it would be
President Obama engaging with the rest of the world and getting
something for it. Even if he does, though, there are going to be
people who will always suspect that he was on a political errand for
Mayor Daley of Chicago, who has staked a lot of prestige on landing
the Olympics. And a lot of people will, I think, not ever get over
that idea." [Fox News' Special Report, 9/29/09]
Jim Quinn: Jarrett is "looking to pull the strings with the federal
government." Quinn stated on his radio program, "[Obama] took Valerie
Jarrett with him. ... Now what's her interest here? Well, she's a
slumlord in Chicago. She's got a bunch of developments in Chicago. So
she is looking to the federal government -- she's looking to pull the
strings with the federal government to pick up the tab for what
Chicago should pick up the tab for, which is housing, you know, the
Olympic athletes and all the accoutrements that go with it." [Clear
Channel's The War Room with Quinn & Rose, 9/29/09]
Fox & Friends: Is Obama going to Copenhagen for "payback to his pals
back in Chicago?" Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy stated, "[W]hy is
the president going to Copenhagen? Is it, or could it possibly be,
simply payback to his pals back in Chicago?" Citing Malkin's column,
Doocy aired photos of the "president's Chicago pals" and stated that
"a lot of those people there have a connection not only to the
Olympics but to the Obama campaign." Doocy later discussed "the
connections about whether or not some of his pals are making money"
and stated that Malkin will appear on the next day's edition of Fox &
Friends "to explain the connection between the Olympics and the White
House." [Fox & Friends, 9/30/09]
Hannity promo: "Are Barack's Chicago buddies banking on a successful
[Olympic] bid coming to town?" A description of the
upcoming September 30 edition of Fox News' Hannity reads:
Fox News has repeatedly attacked Obama's efforts to promote Olympic bid
Fox News has repeatedly attacked Obama's Olympic efforts for a variety
of reasons, including citing Chicago's crime rate, the war in
Afghanistan, and the "carbon footprint" of Obama's trip to Copenhagen.
In recent days, Fox News hosts, contributors, and guests have used
Obama's promotion of the bid to host the Olympics in Chicago as an
excuse to attack him, while Malkin and Matt Drudge have baselessly
linked the murder of a teenager in Chicago to the Olympic bid. Attacks
on Obama's efforts include Sean Hannity saying that "it sounds" like
Obama "is more concerned about bringing the Olympics to Chicago than
winning the war in Afghanistan"; Media Research Center president Brent
Bozell claiming Obama's trip to Copenhagen to promote the Chicago bid
"is evidence that this man just cannot stay away from the klieg
lights"; and Special Report host Bret Baier invoking the "carbon
footprint" of Obama's trip to Copenhagen to smear the president.
From the September 30 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
DOOCY: In the meantime, why exactly -- why is the president going to
Copenhagen? Is it, or could it possibly be, simply payback to his pals
back in Chicago? Michelle Malkin writes in her syndicated column today
that it is political payback and, in fact, takes a look at the fact
that -- we've got some of the president's Chicago pals up on the big
screen over there. Richard Daley --
BRIAN KILMEADE (co-host): You don't have a chalkboard, do you?
DOOCY: I don't.
KILMEADE: No, that's 5 o'clock today.
DOOCY: We've got this right here. Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago
since '89, he came out early and supported Barack Obama. And so he
would really like to see, obviously, for obvious reasons, the Olympics
come to Chicago. But then you look at these other faces and suddenly a
lot of those people there have a connection not only to the Olympics
but to the Obama campaign.
KILMEADE: Well, it's logical, though.
GRETCHEN CARLSON (co-host): Yeah, it's totally logical.
KILMEADE: I mean, that's where the center is. Valerie Jarrett's there,
was on the Olympic advisory committee, was -- and -- before Mayor
Daley. David Axelrod used to work for Mayor Daley. So you understand
that they'd like to see the hometown get -- it would be probably good
news for Chicago. It would be great news for NBC, because it would
save a lot of money. And we know how tight NBC is with the
administration. It would save a lot of money covering the Olympics
with it here domestically in a time zone that it's going to give them
the maximum amount of viewers.
CARLSON: I mean, let's face it, whether or not it's a Republican or
Democrat in office, they're going to pull for their hometown --
CARLSON: -- to get the Olympics. I don't have a problem with that at
all. And of course there's going to be political payback. That's the
way politics works, unfortunately or fortunately.
What some people have a problem with is the fact that the president
has a tremendous amount of domestic issues and international issues on
his plate right now, and whether or not this sends the right message
that he has time to go to Copenhagen and not time to call General
McChrystal in Afghanistan. To me, that is the issue about whether or
not he should take this trip.
DOOCY: There are also the connections about whether or not some of his
pals are making money. Axelrod's firm, although he's kind of stepped
aside since he's got that big job at the White House now, has been
doing consulting for Chicago 2016. Also, a woman by the name of Penny
Pritzker, who was influential in the Obama campaign, she heads up a
realty firm and, according to Michelle Malkin, you know, they stand to
make millions of dollars if this is really developed in Chicago.
KILMEADE: All right --
DOOCY: So, anyway, email us right now. Do you think it's appropriate
that the president goes off to Copenhagen while so many looming issues
are on the horizon? Michael Steele of the RNC says don't go Mr.
President. But Robert Gibbs says, look, it's in our best interest.
DOOCY: Tomorrow on our show Michelle Malkin's gonna be dropping by.
She's written a column about the number of people who are really close
to Barack Obama who are actually involved in the Chicago 2016 program.
We've got a shot over there of a whole bunch of guys. She will be by
tomorrow to explain the connection between the Olympics and the White
House. You're not gonna want to miss it.
From the September 29 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier:
HUME: Standing by itself, there's nothing much wrong with President
Obama's trip to Denmark later this week to promote his hometown of
Chicago's bid to land the 2016 Olympics. It would perhaps be good for
both the U.S. and Chicago if he succeeds, and possibly even worth a
try even if he doesn't. But in politics, nothing occurs in a vacuum,
and this trip occurs at a time when the president runs the risk of
appearing to go out of his way to pursue a clearly minor objective at
the expense of other major ones.
He says, for example, he will take the time to get the strategy right
before deciding whether to dispatch more troops to Afghanistan, but he
announced the strategy back in March and sent general McChrystal to
achieve it. Now that the general wants more troops, Mr. Obama wants
more time. How often has he spoken to the general? Once in the past 70
Initially the president said he was not going to Denmark because he
was too busy pressing for health care reform. The White House says
that situation has improved. Really? The latest polls show support for
his health care ideas at an all-time low. And Iran, which has met Mr.
Obama's overtures of engagement with nose-thumbing and missile tests,
now says it won't even discuss that recently uncovered nuclear plant
when it meets with the U.S. and others in Geneva later this week. An
awkward moment, perhaps, for a foreign trip to promote a sports event.
BAIER: And if he does succeed?
HUME: Well, that would help. It would be a win, and it would be
President Obama engaging with the rest of the world and getting
something for it. Even if he does, though, there are going to be
people who will always suspect that he was on a political errand for
Mayor Daley of Chicago, who has staked a lot of prestige on landing
the Olympics. And a lot of people will, I think, not ever get over
that idea.
BAIER: We'll cover it. Brit, thanks.
From the September 29 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck:
BECK: President Obama is heading to Denmark this week to help sway the
International Olympic Committee into picking his own hometown of
Chicago for the 2016 Olympics. This would be great for Chicago, sure,
but will it benefit anyone else?
Let me show you this. This is the new book that's out -- Arguing With
Idiots. It has been out for a week now. This is -- if Common Sense,
the book I wrote last summer, was the problem, this is the cure for
It is the facts -- everything. Here is Barack Obama. These are the
people that he has surrounded himself with, just with the SEIU -- the
unions, ACORN, special interests are running this country. Read about
it in Arguing With Idiots.
We have now Pat Caddell with us. Pat Caddell is a former senior
adviser to President Carter. He's a Democrat and a proud Democrat, not
a Democrat that agrees with the crazy revolutionaries that seemed to
have hijacked his party.
Pat, I'm trying to figure this one out. Vancouver lost -- how much was
it? They lost $1 billion when they had the Olympics. How is the city
of Chicago in Illinois, that is broke, going to benefit from having
the Olympics?
CADDELL: Well, let me tell you who is going to benefit. But before I
say that, let me just say I agree with what you just said about "The
Battle Hymn of the Republic."
I always quote the stanza that this is -- that proclaims the purpose
of this nation: "As he died to make them holy, let us die to make them
free." It is what makes us different from any other nation.
BECK: It is. It is.
CADDELL: Now, in Chicago, what we're going to have is gangster
politics that will make Al Capone so happy. We are going -- this is
the biggest outrage ever done. The president of the United States, who
cannot find -- who's found only one moment in more than two months to
speak to the commander of his troops in Afghanistan, is going to get
on a plane and fly to Denmark Friday -- or Thursday.
He is going to go over there with Valerie Jarrett, who was last seen
with the NEA pumping up their use of, you know, money and they are
going over there --
BECK: And Van Jones.
CADDELL: And Van Jones -- all of our people that she runs. She is the
former commission head of the -- co-chairman of this Chicago thing.
Chicago, by the way -- remember, they're closing the government
several days a week because they cannot afford to be open.
They are going to go, and they are going to reward -- this is the
biggest scandal. This is going to be corruption on a scale
unimaginable. And let me just say -- let me give you some of the
You've got Valerie Jarrett there, right? Valerie Jarrett -- she is the
person that runs Chicago and the White House for the president and the
first lady. She is the one who is involved meeting with HUD a month
ago to see how we were going to finance this. This city has no money.
They have put in charge -- 50 percent of the people in Chicago are
against having these Olympics. They have voted in the City Council 49
to nothing to have the Olympics. The mayor, Mayor Daley, and his
friends and contributors -- they have appointed alderman Eddie Burke.
And let me just say --- I don't want to explain -- just to tell you,
it is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
CADDELL: He is going to watch the financial stuff.
BECK: Pat, let me ask you this. Fox TV in Chicago was told they can't
run a story on the negative part of the Olympics. And Valerie Jarrett
-- some people say she was a slumlord and she may personally benefit.
I'd like to ask you that question. Can we do that next? Can we have
Pat back? OK, when we come back in just a second.
BECK: For the first time in American history, the president is going
to take Air Force One and fly across the ocean to meet with the
Olympic committee to pitch Chicago as an Olympic city. Wow, who is
going to benefit? Well, he's going with his wife -- President Obama
and Valerie Jarrett.
Pat Caddell is here, former senior adviser to President Carter, Fox
News contributor -- a guy who wants to hold people accountable in
Washington, get rid of corruption.
Is Valerie Jarrett -- is it possible that she is going to benefit if
the Olympics come to Chicago?
CADDELL: Well, that's the word. She certainly had a lot of dealings
going on in real estate. Remember, all the venues will take place only
inside the city of Chicago. This is -- they have got every
contributor, every real estate person.
Look, Tony Rezko, in the end, probably will make money on this. This
is the greatest outrage, and people need to tell the Congress right
now to pass a law -- not a penny, not a dime from us to bail it out
for stimulus grants to pay for this. This is going to be a disaster at
a level we've never seen in American politics financially.
BECK: Unbelievable. Pat, thank you so much for being an honest -- you
know, just an honest American. We don't agree on everything --
CADDELL: No, we don't.
BECK: -- but we agree on accountability, and I appreciate that, sir.
Thank you very much.
FOX & Friends
Fox & Friends
Jim Quinn
Glenn Beck show
Special Report with Bret Baier
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Michelle Malkin
Steve Doocy
Brit Hume
Fox News Channel
FOX News Channel
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Carper’s New Public Option “Alternative”: Not New, Not Public, and Not an Option
an Option
Here's some numbers Kent Conrad doesn't want you to contemplate about
yesterday's vote on the public option:
though Senate Fin Cmmte defeated public option nearly 6 mil more
Americans voted for 10 sens who supported it than 13 sens who opposed
it. Moreover, sens who voted 4 public option won on 63% of the vote in
their last elections compared 2 59% 4 the senators who voted against
it.Another way of saying it: anyone who claims the public option
doesn't have public support is full of bull.
Critics say pandemic emergency bill tramples privacy rights
Grayson's Right: Under The Republican Plan, 'Don't Get Sick' (Or You
Might Have To 'Die Quickly')
Rep. Grayson on GOP plan: If you get sick, 'die quickly'
Why isn't Sen. John Ensign up in arms about government-mandated car
New Film Blames Bayer Pesticide for Plight of Honey Bees
National Review’s John Derbyshire: Women Should Not The Have The Right To Vote
Right To Vote
What Is Single Payer? youtube
Fool Me Once: The Insurance Industry Looks to Tort Reform to Pad
wtf?! Democrats crafting bill to shield big banks from tougher state
Grayson: GOP Health Plan = You're Sick? Die Quickly.
People reluctant to book Palin for speaking engagements because 'they
think she is a blithering idiot.'
New Study Confirms Male Fruit Flies Are Lazy Douchebags
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Key Senate Democrats Opposing Public Option Get More Cash from Insurers and Pharmaceutical Companies
Published by Lindsay Renick Mayer
Today was not a good day for supporters of a government-sponsored
health care plan.
Two senators, John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.),
offered two amendments that would add such an option to the the Senate
Finance Committee's version of the massive health care legislation
Congress has been considering for months -- and the committee handily
knocked each down today.
CEOs of insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, who tend to
oppose the public option, might sleep a little easier tonight. These
industries have been implementing a variety of strategies to thwart
amendments such as these, including spending big bucks on lobbying and
campaign contributions. Lawmakers who sided with these industries have
collected more money, on average, than those who voted for these
amendments, the Center for Responsive Politics has found.
Here are the details:
The Rockefeller Amendment
The 15 lawmakers to vote against Rockefeller's version of the public
option have collected $69,137 more, on average, from insurers
(including HMOs and health services and health and accident insurers)
through their candidate committees and leadership PACs since 1989 than
the eight who voted for his amendment ($297,089 versus $227,952).
The lawmakers who voted against Rockefeller's amendment have brought
in $167,264 more, on average, from pharmaceutical and health care
product companies since 1989 than those who supported it ($467,427
versus $297,163).
The Democrats who voted against their colleague's proposal have
collected $97,472 more, on average, from insurance companies since
1989 than the Democrats who voted for it ($325,424 versus $227,952).
The Democrats who voted against Rockefeller's amendment have brought
in $163,876 more, on average, from pharmaceutical and health product
companies since 1989 than the Democrats who supported it ($461,038
versus $297,163).
The Schumer Amendement
The 13 lawmakers who voted against Schumer's version of the public
option have collected $93,177 more, on average, from insurers
(including HMOs and health services and health and accident insurers)
through their candidate committees and leadership PACs since 1989 than
the 10 who voted for his amendment ($313,553 versus $220,376).
The senators who voted against Schumer's amendment have brought in
$210,470 more, on average, from pharmaceutical and health product
companies since 1989, than those who supported it ($497,757 versus
The Democrats who voted against their colleague's proposal have
collected $195,284 more, on average, from insurance companies since
1989, than the Democrats who voted for it ($415,660 versus $220,376).
The Democrats who voted against Schumer's amendment have brought in
$315,923 more from pharmaceutical and health product companies since
1989, than the Democrats who supported it ($603,210 versus $287,286).
Senate Finance Committee
At $675,350, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), the committee's chairman, has
since 1989 collected more from health insurance companies, including
HMOs and health services and health and accident insurers, than all
but one other member of the committee -- Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.).
And Kerry only collected big funds as a presidential candidate in
2004. Meanwhile, only Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has raised more from
pharmaceutical and health product companies in that time ($1.6 million
versus $1.1 million). Baucus voted against both amendments.
Insurers have contributed $265,441, on average, to individual
Democrats on the committee, while pharmaceutical and health product
companies have donated $360,192, on average, to individual Democrats
since 1989.
Insurers have given $282,921, on average, to individual Republicans on
the committee, while pharmaceutical and health product companies have
contributed $466,121 since 1989.
For a list of contributions from health-related industries to members
of this committee, visit our health care tools committees database.
Limbaugh Compares School Kids' Videos To Nazi Indoctrination
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