Friday, April 29, 2011

nuts: Mission America’s Linda Harvey Blames Mortgage Crisis On Homosexuality from Right Wing Watch #p2 #tcot

Mission America's Linda Harvey knows what is really responsible for the country's economic difficulties and foreclosure crisis: tolerance of gays and lesbians. According to Harvey, who believes that gay people use "demonic manipulation" to recruit children and told parents to "separate your child" from their gay friends, maintains that same-sex couples create a "sin-based family" that is "constructed around sexual deviance." By affirming and promoting sin, Harvey says that "other sins are more likely to scurry in through the cracks," like "substance abuse" and "poor decisions about finances." She claims that the mortgage crisis has its roots in tolerance of homosexuality since "sexual and material covetousness are usually sin siblings," and alleges that the acceptance of gay and lesbian families leads to social ills like "infidelity, divorce, gambling or porn addictions, job instability, credit card default, domestic abuse, sexual deviance, and criminality," along with more children born out of wedlock and declining church attendance:

The foolish man builds his house on sand ( Matthew 7:26) or even, builds his house with sand. What is being embraced is the sin-based family.

Families constructed around sexual deviance stand in defiance of God's eternally –revealed truth. No matter how "conservatively" and faithfully two men or two women operate as they consider themselves a marital union, the structure is still in defiance of God's created order of male and female as the framework for marriage. Men and women already have the right to marry, because they are free to marry someone of the opposite sex, so the goal is a new structure.

Just as a child is far less likely to suffer abuse in the home of his/her married, heterosexual parents, so the opposite is true. Where the structure is sin-based, other sins are more likely to scurry in through the cracks. Substance abuse and self-destruction accompany sexual deviance. And some of this means poor decisions about finances.

The mortgage crisis was the sin of temptation being offered by those who relaxed legitimate standards, offered to those without the personal standards to resist. This easy-pay physical structure was too good to be true, and appealed to an increasingly covetous segment of our culture. Sexual and material covetousness are usually sin siblings. It would be interesting to study the families who have defaulted on mortgages for the correlations between structural and/or functional weaknesses like infidelity, divorce, gambling or porn addictions, job instability, credit card default, domestic abuse, sexual deviance, and criminality. There is also a high likelihood that poor or no church attendance would show up as a factor as well.

But back to our main point, probably few such households are homosexually-headed, because few homosexuals want to settle down to any kind of permanence, despite the plea for the honor of the marital designation. Many unmarried mothers of children born out of wedlock are on public assistance, which means they are unlikely to have had a mortgage. So when we look at the mortgage crisis, we could analyze it as a shift in the American family, but these families would not begin to reflect where the greatest structural weaknesses already exist.

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