Friday, July 8, 2011

Memo to Senator Orrin Hatch: The poor can't "dig any deeper" #p2 #tcot


Senator Hatch, you claim that the poor who qualify for subsidies because they can't afford things like health care should "dig deeper". You say that "the top 1 percent of the wealthy already pay 38% of all income tax. The top 10 percent are paying 70 % of all income tax." I suggest that you recheck your facts Senator particularly when it comes to the large corporates. Citibank paid a tax rate16.9%, less than half of its corporate tax rate of 36% and the on top of it got rid of 5,000 jobs last year. Johnson and Johnson paid a tax rate of 21.3% and got rid of 8,000 jobs over the last 5 years. General Electric paid almost "0" in taxes and got rid of 17,000 employees. Here's a suggestion Senator Hatch. Like President Obama is proposing, close all the loopholes like tax havens, accounting tricks, corporate tax tricks, stock manipulation, and then the top 10% that you refer to could "dig deeper". 

You want the poor to dig deeper - but into what? The disparity between the rich and poor has never been wider driven by low, stagnant, or disappeari­ng wages for the middle class over the last 30 years. To make matters worse, the last decade of lower effective tax rates for the rich and big corporations has not led to an explosion of jobs but instead has robbed the government of much needed revenue and helped create millions of more impoverished American families leading us to where we are today. The American Dream no longer exists for many as more and more jobs are being exported overseas. But yet you want the poor to "dig deeper". 

People who are working low-paying or minimum wage jobs or who don't have a job and qualify for subsidies because they can't afford healthcare cannot "dig deeper". People who are working two jobs to meet the rent and cost of living increases cannot "dig deeper".  Single mothers working two jobs while attending weekend nursing classes cannot "dig deeper". 

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