Monday, September 19, 2011

GOP hero Mitch Daniels calls Social Security a Ponzi scheme


Just a few months ago, Mitch Daniels was the GOP elite's dream presidential candidate. Now he's calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme:
The promised future benefits grotesquely outstrip the future taxes we are scheduled to pay by some $5.4 trillion for Social Security and as much as $46.0 trillion for Medicare. This whole setup is enough to give Mr. Ponzi a bad name – or a legitimate job. If old Carlo were around today, he'd have made an ideal Social Security commissioner.

We've heard a ton of faux outrage from Mitt Romney and Bushies about Rick Perry's remarks on Social Security, but the fact is that they agree with him one hundred percent. They just don't want their political candidates to admit it in public because they don't want voters to know what they really stand for.

Remember that before the 2004 election, George W. Bush denied plans to privatize Social Security, yet that's the first thing he did in 2005. Then in 2010, Republicans railed against President Obama for trying to cut Medicare, yet one of the first things they did in 2011 was to vote to eliminate it. And while Mitt Romney tries to position himself as Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we know that if he's elected president he'll try to do the exact same thing to Social Security as Rick Perry. After all, Romney himself has written that Social Security is a fraudulent scheme.

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