Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rush @Limbaugh: Advertisers Jamming the Phone Lines Trying to Cancel Their Contracts

"After sponsors like AOL dump the radio host for calling a college student a "slut," he insists his apology was "sincere" before further defending his statements.

So many advertisers are abandoning Rush Limbaugh's radio show that the talk host on Monday joked that he phoned to cancel ads for his own line of iced tea but he couldn't get through.

"Yeah, I knew it was getting bad," Limbaugh said at the top of his show, acknowledging that a campaign to punish him over his criticism of Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke was gaining traction.
"You know what? I gotta call myself and cancel and suspend the Two If By Tea advertising," Limbaugh told his estimated 20 million listeners on Monday. "So I called myself to cancel advertising. I got a busy signal, so I couldn't cancel my own company's advertising."

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