Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome America to Your Sizzlin’ Larry Summers Shitburger from Firedoglake

visual stylings by phoenix woman

Yum.  Get 'em while they're hot:

Instead of taking a single approach, the Obama administration plans to divide assets and other loans into three categories, each with its own solution, according to sources familiar with the discussions, speaking on condition of anonymity because the details are not finalized.

The government would buy and hold on to those assets whose falling prices are putting banks under the most pressure. Officials want to limit these purchases because of the vast expense.

The centerpiece of the plan would be a guarantee to limit losses on a second group of troubled assets that can be kept by the banks because they have more stable prices.

And it would allow banks to retain and profit from their healthiest assets.

Which means you, America, get shit.  Do you get to have better healthcare, more public transit, clean air, better schools or more jobs if the banks you've invested so heavily in make money?

No!   The bankers who built this shitpile get to keep that.  You just get the losses.


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