Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Warns Jay-Z Obama Is Going After His Penis

All the things mentioned in this blog post really happened. Seriously. They really did.


By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet
Posted on August 25, 2009, Printed on August 26, 2009

"I have been mentioned in a ... rap song," intoned Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today, saying "rap" as if the musical genre might transmit syphilis.

After expressing astonishment at the strange turn of events, Limbaugh played a clip of a Jay-Z song that calls on Limbaugh to "get off his balls."  Limbaugh then fact-checked and refuted the main premise of song, politely reminding Jay-Z about who plans to do what to the nation's genitals.

I would remind the rapper Jay Z;  Mr. Z, it is President Obama who wants mandated circumcision. We had that yesterday. That means if we need to save our penises from anybody, it's Obama. I did not know  I was on anybody's balls.

Four things:


1) Rap battle!!!

2) I had to scroll down pretty far in my google search to figure out what the hell Limbaugh is talking about, as most right-wing commentary on Obama and penises today has to do with the birther claim that only the lack or presence of foreskin on the President's peniscan determine if he was born in the U.S.

3) But anyway, in other news related to Obama and penises, in the Jay-Z segment aired today Limbaugh is reiterating his concerns that the President will mandate forced circumcision as a preventative measure against HIV transmission. Now, the actually existing thing that Limbaugh is spinning and inflating into something that doesn't exist, is a statement by a CDC doctor suggesting that male circumcision could help curb rates of HIV transmission. By way of magic shock jock logic, Limbaugh transforms the relatively uncontroversial statement into a talking point about evil big government forcing people to undergo circumcision against their will.

4) What's with the conservative talent for coming up with such earthy, illustrative metaphors for conservative white male anxiety and feelings of powerlessness in the age of Obama? Seriously, Limbaugh basically tries to stir up listener concern that Obama will cut off their dicks.

Here's the segment, via Media Matters.

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