Democrats mustered one vote against the confirmation of Bush Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, the man who admitted he fell down on the regulatory job; the man who then handed over trillions of dollars to Wall Street to try to clean up his mess. Here's the vote:
No - 7
Christopher Dodd, Chairman, Connecticut Yes
Tim Johnson, South Dakota Yes
Jack Reed, Rhode Island Yes
Chuck Schumer, New York Yes
Evan Bayh, Indiana Yes
Robert Menendez, New Jersey Yes
Daniel Akaka, Hawaii Yes
Sherrod Brown, Ohio Yes
Jon Tester, Montana Yes
Mark Warner, Virginia - Yes
Jeff Merkley, Oregon - No
Herb Kohl, Wisconsin Yes
Michael Bennet, Colorado YesMinority
Richard Shelby, Ranking Member, Alabama No
Bob Bennett, Utah Yes
Jim Bunning, Kentucky No
Mike Crapo, Idaho No
Bob Corker, Tennessee Yes
Jim DeMint, South Carolina - No
David Vitter, Louisiana - No
Mike Johanns, Nebraska Yes
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas - No
Judd Gregg, New Hampshire - Yes
Huge kudos to Democrat Jeff Merkley of Oregon and, frankly, to the Republicans who voted against Bernanke (even if many of the Republicans were probably just trying to embarrass Obama).
To the rest of them, well...there's really nothing to say. This is about as good a commentary on who the Democratic Party really answers to as any.
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