Monday, March 1, 2010

How filibuster crazy is the GOP? from Congress Matters

Lots of discussion today about the Republicans' record-breaking pace in obstructing Senate business with the filibuster.

Here's the Senate's own official chart on cloture voting that you can use to do your own number crunching, if you're so inclined. It's the same chart I used to figure out that there have already been about as many cloture votes taken during this Congress as there were between World War I and the moon landing.

As you can see, the high water mark in terms of cloture motions filed when Democrats were in the minority was a whopping 82 in the 104th Congress, which is an awful lot! Of course, it comes on the heels of the Republican total of 80 from the 103rd, so I suppose you could call that response in kind. On the other hand, the high water mark in terms of cloture motions filed when Republicans were in the minority is last Congress' record of 139! That's 41% more than the Democrats ever handed them at their absolute worst, and they're on pace to smash that record, too.

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