Monday, March 1, 2010

The Truth About NAFTA


Few are aware that NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has rendered us uncompetitive in the world, has destroyed our industrial base, caused us to outsource most of our production and killed most of our manufacturing jobs.

Imagine if Congress enacted a special law only for the state of Michigan that:

* Dropped the minimum wage to $.50/Hour
* Exempted employers from child labor laws
* Expanded the work week
* Reduced health and work place safety laws
* Banned unions
* Allowed Michigan exporters full, duty-free access to Ohio and the rest of the states

Sounds crazy, huh?

This is what NAFTA did for Mexico, to the detriment of Ohio and all of America.

Why would any company manufacture in the U.S. now when it can produce next-door in Mexico with all these unfair advantages?

Mexico now ships more cars to us than we ship to the rest of the world–and where did Mexico get an auto industry?

We are now increasingly forced to live on imports and debt at every level while thousands of our best companies are being sold to foreign interests and our industrial infrastructure is collapsing. If you are concerned for a future for your kids, you should demand that we do something about these conditions.

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