Sunday, May 16, 2010

asshole: Newt Gingrich says President Obama is Nazi-Commie "threat to our way of life."

"Gingrich is a talented manipulator of the American people and he's the one that suffers no pain when the economy crashes and burns under conservative rule. It's the average working class Americans that feel the hurt."


1 comment:

  1. Newt is right!! Obama is a liberal pussy who believes slackers who sit home and play with their cock are entitled to hard working people's money! His attempt at protecting our country from terrorists is pathetic and weak and moreover has a huge set of balls to agree with our enemies in public when they blast our country!

    Hussein is a Marxist who genuinely hates America (although he will never says it) and believes he and his liberal pals are the only ones who are "allowed" to make money. Unless of course you buy him out. His "Hope & Change" speeches are pathetic and the people in his audiences who fainted and cried listening to this blatantly phony teleprompter reader are even more pathetic!

    Barack Obama will absolutely go down as the single worst president in American history! The polls show it, the libs know it and they can't stand it! Now, if you want to call me a racist (because this is all you have as an excuse to back this arrogant douche bag) then so be it. I'm a racist. I'm a racist with black friends too. Some who even agree with me!!
