Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Budgetary Concerns Should Not Be An Obstacle to Passing the House Jobs Bill

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Special Series: Economic Recovery Watch

Budgetary Concerns Should Not Be An Obstacle to Passing the House Jobs Bill
Near-Term Boost to the Economy Trumps Very Small Long-Term Budget Impact

By Paul N. Van de Water and Chad Stone

"The House is about to take up a jobs bill that will provide a needed boost to the economic recovery and help people still struggling to find work in a difficult labor market. Concerns that the package is too large or that it should not be enacted unless it is fully paid for are misplaced. Most of the provisions in this bill are strictly temporary measures that will stimulate additional demand for goods and services and create jobs while the recovery is still struggling to gain traction; they are not permanent measures that add to the long-term budget deficit."

View the full report:
http://www.cbpp.org/files/5-18-10bud.pdf 5pp.

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