Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bumbler From BP - CEO Tony Hayward made Gulf oil-spill disaster worse @bp_america

Tony Hayward. Click image to expand.This hasn't been a good few weeks for Tony Hayward, the chief executive officer of BP. In the weeks since the huge oil spill in the Gulf began, he has struck an occasionally Churchillian tone: "We are going to defend the beaches," he proclaimed. "We will fix this." But the British leader he most calls to mind is Ethelred the Unready.

For CEOs in crisis, the playbook includes a proper appreciation of the gravity of the situation, a sense of calm urgency, and confidence-building rhetoric backed by confidence-building action. So far, Hayward is zero for three. From the outset, there's been a sense that Hayward wasn't quite prepared for this and didn't quite grasp what is at stake. The Wall Street Journal reported that Hayward "admitted that the oil giant had not the technology available to stop the leak. He also said in hindsight, it was 'probably true' that BP should have done more to prepare for such an emergency."

rest at http://www.slate.com/id/2254115?wpisrc=newsletter

1 comment:

  1. BP Seeks to Charge Clean-Up Crews for Recovered Oil
