Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Eric Cantor’s Speech Shows He Wants Obama To Fail On National Security

This blog has repeatedly insisted that Congressional Dems need to defend Obama's record on terrorism more forcefully, lest they cede the debate to the GOP, and now they are hitting back hard at Eric Cantor's speech criticizing Obama on national security.

The House Dem leadership is set to go out with a response that makes the pointed charge that Cantor's speech shows he wants Obama to fail on national security. The response points out that Cantor gave his speech on the same day the Times Square bomb suspect's apprehension was announced, proving the success of Obama's approach to terror:

rest http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/house-republicans/house-dems-cantors-speech-shows-he-wants-obama-to-fail-on-national-security/

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