Sunday, May 16, 2010

Feds: BP’s mile-long oil tube ‘not a solution to the problem’ @bp_america

gulfoilslick  Feds: BPs mile long oil tube not a solution to the problem

BP has succeeded in capturing "some" oil and gas by inserting a mile-long tube into the main Gulf of Mexico leak, but would not say if it was a significant percentage of the gusher or just a dribble.

Despite the uncertainty, it was still the first tangible sign of success in more than three weeks of efforts to prevent at least 210,000 gallons of oil from spewing unabated into the sea each day and feeding a massive slick off the coast of Louisiana.

BP senior executive vice president Kent Wells refused to be drawn on quantity Sunday, but confirmed that after a temporary hitch in which the tube became dislodged overnight, siphoning operations were up and running once again.

"We will look to... capture as much of the oil as we can," he told reporters in Houston, Texas. "At this point, we don't know what percentage we will capture" by the process, in which the oil was sucked up as if through a straw to the giant ship.

A BP statement said simply that the four-inch (10-centimeter) diameter tube inserted into the 21-inch leaking pipe using undersea robots had captured "some amounts of oil and gas."


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