Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Gulf oil spill makes right-wing 'drill baby drill' fans look like idiots. So of course, it's a liberal conspiracy

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The Gulf oil spill is such a disaster of monstrous proportions -- one that makes the right-wing "drill baby drill" chants look, you know, ugly and moronic and short-sighted -- that you knew that somehow, the right-wing talkers would find a way to blame it on liberals. Because they always do.

Sure enough. Of course, they had to scrape down to X-Files Conspiracy Land to get there, but yesterday on Fox & Friends, ex-White House secretary Dana Perino and Fox talker Eric Bolling took turns at promoting a conspiracy theory that, somehow, the Obama administration had delayed attacking the leak because they wanted it to, as a way to shut down the offshore drilling that Obama had just announced the month before.

Or something like that.

rest http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/gulf-oil-spill-makes-right-wing-dril

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