Friday, May 14, 2010

Lisa Murkowski: Senator Fighting for the Rights of Big Oil

The Senator Fighting for the Rights of Big OilSarah Palin may have competition for the worst politician in Alaska. Meet Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski: She single-handedly blocked a measure to raise the amount of money oil companies are liable for in an oil spill.

Her state may still be feeling the latent effects of the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989. And the Mexican gulf may be filling up with spilled oil from the BP leak. But Murkowski decided to take a brave stand for the under-represented interests of Big Oil. The timing for a measure to raise the cap on liability from $75 million to $10 billion is off, she says:

I don't believe that taking the liability cap from $75 million dollars to $10 billion dollars… 133 times the current strict liability limit, isn't where we need to be right now...

rest at


  1. Lisa isn't the only Republican opposing this bill.
    Minority leader Boehner is also against the law.
    Let's face it. Right now the most that the government can get out of BP for it's irresponsible behavior is a 75 million dollar slap on the wrist.
    Figuring as how this spill is destined to be the worst in US history, the untold cost has yet to be tallied.
    That means that cities, states, fishermen and cleanup crews are going to have to lean on the taxpayer to get the cleanup done.

    that's another Republican taxpayer bailout.

    The government requires banks to contribute to the FDIC. That has proven providential since dozens of banks have gone bankrupt in the economic crisis.

    Fortunately the funds from the FDIC has made sure not one depositor lost money. That's a miraculous result.

    The same needs be done for the oil industry. Companies who engage in deep water offshore oil drilling shoukd be required to pony up to the plate for any damage they do.

    Murkowski would have you believe that this would hurt the small mom and pop deep sea oil Shell, Exxon, and BP.

    That's a joke.

    She's just another politician in the pocket of big oil.

    Let's send Lisa Murkowski to the gulf with mop and bucket. She can help cleanup the mess she is helping to create

  2. I just called Senator Murkowski’s office at 202-224-6665 and gave her a piece of my mind.

    She is UNBELIEVABLE!!!
