Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Louisiana’s Vitter again screwing around with hypocrisy @DavidVitter

Y'all remember my good friend Sen. David Vitter, he of the errant penis. You remember the Louisiana senator who described himself as "a conservative who opposes radically redefining marriage, the most important social institution in human history." And you'll remember that "his phone number was among those on a list of client numbers kept by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the so-called D.C. Madam, who is accused of running a prostitution ring in Washington," sayeth The New York Times.

But what you may not remember is I twice encouraged S&R readers (here and here) to forget Vitter's penis and follow his money. As I wrote two years ago, "Sen. Vitter's 'serious sin' has nothing to do with sex. It's the sin far too many senators and members of Congress seem to commit with corporate abandon: 'Give me money to get elected and I'll make sure you go to the head of the line for federal cash.'"

Vitter is a fixer. He gets campaign contributions, particularly from Louisiana construction and defense contractors, and, lo and behold, those donors get money from the feds.

Now he's back in the hot water, this time over donations from … a dry cleaning firm?

rest at http://www.scholarsandrogues.com/2010/05/04/louisianas-vitter-again-screwing-around-with-hypocrisy/

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