Tuesday, May 4, 2010

VOOK REVIEW: Out of the Bailout Bedlam, Obama Emerged on Top

I'm just starting to dig through an advance copy of "The Promise," Jonathan Alter's new book on President Obama's first year in office, set for publication on May 18. But there are some great nuggets right at the start. Alter describes the chaotic scene at a Sept. 25, 2008, meeting on the impending Wall Street bailout at the White House with Obama, John McCain, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, President Bush and congressional leaders from both parties — a meeting at which Obama decisively took the upper hand in the economic debate that was coming to dominate the presidential contest.

Participants at the meeting were impressed by Obama's strong command of the issues at hand and appalled by McCain's acknowledgment that he had not even read Paulson's three-page bailout plan.

REST AT http://washingtonindependent.com/83904/out-of-the-bailout-bedlam-obama-emerged-on-top

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