Thursday, November 18, 2010

TSA Targets “Smoking Hot” Woman for Naked Scan; Fondles Children #p2

Are these Transportation security authorities looking for terrorists or a hard on? Why would 19 agents and police officers need to handle — and watch — a 20-something woman who happens to be 'smoking hot' get her breasts squeezed and twisted?

Children are fondled, too. Three-year-old Mandy Simon screams, "STOP TOUCHING ME" when a woman searches her for weapons.

When law enforcement personnel can't tell the difference between a terrorist and a three-year-old child, they need to go back to investigation school. One commenter captures my sentiment:

"3-yr-old child, terrorist or pedophile's wet dream? TSA cannot tell the difference."

"I don't know what is more disgusting — the TSA agent messing with a three year old or the father's rationalization of and acquiescence in her molestation. 'Sensitivity training suggested?' WTF. My parents had their faults and shortcomings but I really don't think my mother would hold me so I could be groped by a government goon and my father would stand there and record it on his cell phone. Their generation sacrificed too much to ensure crap like this didn't happen here."

Pilots are objecting, too. The president of the US Airways Pilots Association objects to the "far reaching, intrusive" measures taken by the Transportation Safety Authority and issued a warning to its pilot members:

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