Thursday, December 1, 2011

Apple Responds To Siri Controversy, Insists Misleading Abortion Answers Not Intentional


Apple has finally responded to the controversy surrounding Siri, the voice-activated assistant of the iPhone 4s, and its misleading answers to pressing women's health questions. According to the New York Times, the company said the inability of the program to provide information about abortion clinics was not intentional or deliberate, and "attributed the problem to kinks in the product that were still being ironed out." But Apple did not address some of the most disturbing complaints that Siri guided women seeking abortions to anti-choice "crisis pregnancy centers," and routinely offered no information about rape centers or emergency contraception. Nor did they offer an explanation for the discrepancy between this lack of information and the readiness with which the program helped people seeking escort services, Viagra, or guns.

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