Friday, February 10, 2012

idiot Rabbi compares gays to social cancer that must be "cured."

"How many awful things can one person say about gay people in a single statement? If you're hideous New York City rabbi Yehuda Levin, a lot.

Speaking out about gay Jewish activist Chaim Levin's recent criticism of "gay cure" therapies, therapies that made him suicidal — "I had experienced so much pain coming out, and at the time felt like no one will ever get it. I don't want to live in a world where I'm getting rejected again and again," he told me in an interview last year– Rabbi Levin, no relation, insisted gay people should be chemically castrated, just like child molesters in Europe. According to him, the process will stop the gays from "act[ing] in a forbidden manner," just as it would prevent adultery and incest. Because, you know, same-sex love is just like a brother having sex with his sister.

"Chaim Levin's recent article and appearances on video and Jewish radio provide ample evidence of an agenda far more wide-ranging than merely opposing bullying and reparative therapy," said Rabbi Levin. "Urging youth to join in a group that identifies itself with Amalek-type behavior reinforces negative self-identification and more often than not results in sinful misbehavior." In the Talmud, the Amalek people are adversaries of the Hebrew tribes who try to thwart Judaism's rise."

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