Wednesday, August 29, 2012

.@RepPaulRyan Reintroducing the real Paul Ryan: anchor babies, get rid of medicare & social security - warrior of war on women #p2 #tcot

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) listens to testimony during a hearing on
Meet Paul Ryan, sociopath.
Paul Ryan is having his big night tonight, his reintroduction to America in which he'll have to overcome his zombie-eyed-granny-starver essence. So this is what we'll get:
The engaging, budget wonk from Wisconsin is expected to talk about shrinking the deficit, boosting employment and ousting President Obama, who Ryan has cast as the source of the country's economic woes. But even more than policy, Ryan is poised to talk in detail about his personal story, his family, and his small-town values during a half-hour speech he's been tweaking with Romney and top aides for days.
Here's just some of what you need to know about the real Paul Ryan.
  • On Medicare: We already know that his plan would effectively end Medicare, turning it into a privatized voucher system. The vouchers given to seniors to purchase health insurance would decrease in value relative to the cost increase of health care, sicker and older people would stay in traditional Medicare, costing it more and more, and retirees would be forced to spend much more out of pocket to get less care. And yes, the cuts proposed by Ryan and Mitt Romney will hit current seniors, not just the under 55 crowd.
  • On Social Security: Ryan calls Social Security a Ponzi scheme, and he's not just a Social Security privatizer, he had a plan that was so extreme, George W. Bush, the only president who's ever tried to privatize Social Security, rejected it.
  • On the War on Women: Ryan's a true warrior, as anti-choice as Todd Akin. He says that the talk of "forcible" rape didn't mean anything, it was just "stock language" and that rape is basically just a "method of conception."

    And that's not even going into the extent to which is budget punishes women at every stage of their life. Because the budget is so skewed against lower-income families, it's women who get the biggest hits.

  • On immigration: Two phrases say it all: "anchor babies," and "catch and release."

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