Tuesday, February 11, 2014

@GOP Senator Roy Blunt: Having Health Care makes you Lazy

FROM http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/02/10/1276412/-Senator-Roy-Blunt-Having-Health-Care-makes-you-Lazy?detail=email

Continuing the distorted and frankly disgusting suggestion that somehow people being free to make the choice of how and where they want to work because of having access to affordable HealthCare Senator Roy Blunt (R-5th Ring) proceeded this Sunday to explain how this means that Having HealthCare makes you Lazy.


I think any law you pass that discourages people from working can’t be a good idea,” the Missouri Republican asserted. “Why would we wanna do that? Why would we think that’s a good thing? How does that allow people to prepare for the time when they don’t work?”

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), who also appeared on Fox News Sunday, was ready with an answer.

“They’re in employment solely because they get health benefits,” Cardin explained. “This is a voluntary choice.”

“In some cases, these people might have two jobs because of these health benefits,” he added. “Now, they don’t need to work two full-time jobs to get their health benefits.

Blunt refused to accept Cardin’s argument.

“The best face you can probably put on that is that people who don’t wanna work don’t have to work,” Blunt insisted. “Surely that’s not what we wanna encourage.”

Yes, if you have to work 2 or maybe even 3 part time jobs simply to be able to pay for Healhcare, and now that the affordable care act is here and you no longer have to work that 3rd job then clearly you are a lazy ass bum who should be shamed and publically embarrassed for your laziness.

And just suppose you have a family with young children that need care, how in the world could we ever condone one parent - either male of female - deciding to fore go working and remain home to take care of the children instead of paying for expensive childcare simply because - they Won't lose their Healthcare if they make that choice?

And suppose, just suppose, you've been working at a job for years at a job that you can't stand, without a raise, simply because you or member of your family has a pre-existing condition, and  finally now because of the fact that you can get care on your own without being tied to that job you decide to take a chance and begin your own business without the worry that you'll be putting your health at risk for doing so?

Maybe some workers making this choice will increase demand for willing and ready workers which actually might improve the conditions, quality and PAY offered by employers to help convince workers to stay or join their organizations?

Yeah, right what a pack of Lazy-holes those guys clearly are.

Unfortunately for Blunt and his propagandist allies - what the CBO actually said is that the HealthCare Law would help Bring Unemployment Down.


[In response to GOP claims that CBO had reported that Healthcare would "reduce jobs" Rep Chris.] Van Hollen cited the report’s findings on Obamacare’s impact on labor demand, rather than supply. On page 124, the report estimates that the ACA will “boost overall demand for goods and services over the next few years because the people who will benefit from the expansion of Medicaid and from access to the exchange subsidies are predominantly in lower-income households and thus are likely to spend a considerable fraction of their additional resources on goods and services.” This, the report says, “will in turn boost demand for labor over the next few years.

“When you boost demand for labor in this kind of economy, you actually reduce the unemployment rate, because those people who are looking for work can find more work, right?” Van Hollen asked Elmendorf.

“Yes, that’s right,” Elmendorf said.

Elmendorf added that the factor Van Hollen had identified was something CBO thinks “spurs employment and would reduce unemployment over the next few years.”

So, there - take that - you lazy butts you.


1:43 PM PT: Quite a few comments have come up that Blunt gets "cheap healthcare" so he should be one to talk, but I do recall that one of the poison-pill provisions in the ACA was that all of Congress had to switch to using instead of the Federal Employee's Benefits system they previously had.  that includes Blunt, which means if my recollection is correct, that he has to go onto ObamaCare too

REST AT http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/02/10/1276412/-Senator-Roy-Blunt-Having-Health-Care-makes-you-Lazy?detail=email

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