Thursday, December 22, 2016

Bill O'Reilly warns Fox News viewers: 'The left' is coming for the 'white establishment'

Bill O'Reilly has never been much for dog whistles when discussing American minorities and their irritating insistence on rights. He took to his program last night to explain that any talk of ditching the Electoral College system of picking a president is ... an attack on the "white establishment."

No, we're not kidding.

"This is all about race," the conservative commentator said on his Fox News show. "The left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with. Therefore white working class voters must be marginalized."

He later added that liberals believe "white men have set up a system of oppression and that system must be destroyed ... The left wants power taken away from the white establishment and they want a profound change in the way America is run."

It's not just the method of picking a president, you see. It's that "liberals," more and more "reliant on the minority vote," are plotting to disadvantage Good White People.

We've written about Bill for many years, but it's still impressive how smoothly rhetoric from white nationalist groups makes it to O'Reilly's lips and bullet points. The above could have been taken from a Klan rally, word for word. It's a staple of the ever-paranoid white supremacist groups courted by Trump's top adviser. And Bill O'Reilly is quite comfortable televising the notion. Minorities and liberals are coming for you, white America. Be afraid. They're going to take the power of your "white establishment."

This isn't a one-off by O'Reilly, by the way. He has a long and uncomplicated history of being racist on television.

So talking about the danger faced by The Whites at the hands of The Other is a thing that he can freely opine about on Fox News, complete with pre-prepared graphics and bullet points about the power of the "white establishment"—because Fox News knows their audience.

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