Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sarah Sanders Releases Doctored Video to Falsely Accuse CNN Reporter Trump Banned of ‘Inappropriate Behavior’

Revoking the 'Hard Pass' of a Reporter Critical of the Administration Is a Dream Come True for Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanders released a clearly-doctored video to falsely accuse CNN reporter Jim Acosta of "inappropriate behavior" and "placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern."

The White House Press Office, reportedly under the direction of President Trump, revoked the press pass of CNN's Chief White House Correspondent Wednesday, after he pressed the president for answers during a rare yet off-the-rails press conference.

As many, including those who work in video editing noted, the clip is doctored and appears to be the one released by an editor who works for Alex Jones'  fake news and conspiracy theories website InfoWars. CNN's Brian Stelter asked Huckabee Sanders on Twitter directly:

This creative director explains how the video was altered:

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