Thursday, April 1, 2010

Seniors Who Disparage Healthcare Reform as Socialsim Should Burn Their Medicare Cards

BuzzFlash Progressive Pledge

Dear Friends of BuzzFlash and Enemies of Hypocrisy,

The Tea Party movement and the GOP has been making the outrageous charge that healthcare reform is socialism. At the same time, many seniors who are members of the Tea Party and are Republicans have defiantly warned the government not to "mess" with their Medicare. Who do they think is paying for Medicare, Wal-Mart?

If the Tea Party activists and senior members of the GOP who call healthcare reform socialism are as principled as they claim, they should tear up their Medicare cards and pay for their own healthcare after the age of 65.

I demand that any American over 65 who denounces government administered healthcare as socialized medicine must publicly tear up their Medicare card and pay for their own healthcare.

Click here to join our declaration

Enough is enough of this hypocrisy. If a senior-citizen thinks that healthcare reform is socialism and a threat to the nation, they are bound by their principles to not benefit from Medicare, which is a nationalized healthcare plan, administered and insured by the U.S. Government.

If you are a senior and oppose healthcare reform, please shred your Medicare card and pay for your own healthcare or have your children pay for it.

I demand that any American over 65 who denounces government administered healthcare as socialized medicine must publicly tear up their Medicare card and pay for their own healthcare.

Click here to join our declaration

The Republican Party and the Tea Party hold themselves out as being moral and honorable, then seniors who denounce healthcare reform as "socialism" (which is still, at this stage, a private insurance system) are ethically bound to rip up their Medicare cards and assume the personal costs of their care, so it not be a burden on other Americans.

I demand that any American over 65 who denounces government administered healthcare as socialized medicine must publicly tear up their Medicare card and pay for their own healthcare.

Click here to join our declaration

The Advocacy Team at BuzzFlash

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