Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ayn Rand I mean Rand Paul won yesterday but lets not forget hes still part of the tea bag nutjob machine

Tea baggers in one paragraph: (from

"Appropriate, certainly, for the reactionary recesses of the Tea Party's collective brain, composed as it is of frenzied, heat-packing opponents of Barack Obama, who actually concedes the Second Amendment's rather right-wing interpretation; of tax protesters, who happen to be paying the lowest American taxes in 60 years, thanks again to their chief villain in the White House; of downright weird "devotees of the gold standard," as the Post's Eugene Robinson observed recently; of "Sarah Palin," Robinson continued, of "insurance company lobbyists, 'constitutionalists' who have not read the Constitution, Medicare recipients who oppose government-run health care, crazy 'birthers' who claim President Obama was born in another country, a contingent of outright racists ... and a bunch of fat-cat professional politicians pretending to be 'outsiders.' "

Such as -- you got it -- Rand Paul, son of Washington's long-serving, government-paycheck-drawing Ron Paul, and friend of corporate America's ultimate political insider, Dick Armey."

1 comment:

  1. All your ranting accomplishes is immediate gratification - you feel as though you've done your part to prevent what's about to happen. Your red herrings are unfortunately diverting you from the real issue, described best here:

    Now is probably a good time to start paying attention.
