Wednesday, July 18, 2012

@limbaugh Oycontin-Addict Limbaugh Attacks Obama’s Casual Drug Use 30 Years Ago

"There is no clearer sign that the attacks on Mitt Romney's contradictory statements on his tenure at Bain Capital are working — on whether he was in charge when the company off-shored thousands of jobs, as he suggested in sworn testimony in June 2002 or whether he "retroactively resigned" from the company after taking a leave of absence in 1999 — than the fact that GOP's most listened-to propagandist offered Romney this adviceon what to say to the president:

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Look, pal, when I was out creating jobs, investing in businesses, and growing this economy, you were at Columbia smoking weed and snorting coke.

This is rich coming from Limbaugh, who, just three years ago, reached a deal with prosecutors related to charges he purchased 2,0000 Oxycontin tablets over a six months period, a practice that may have been going on for years. It's possible that Limbaugh's voracious gobbling of opiates may have cost him his hearing.

Other leading conservatives — Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels, and Sarah Palin– have admitted to casual drug use in their pasts, a fact that Limbaugh conveniently overlooks. And Limbaugh was silent as story after story about George W. Bush's drug use well into adulthood came out over the course of the 2000 campaign and the years of Bush's presidency:

  • Bush's former sister-in-law Sharon claimed in her book that Bush often snorted cocaine at Camp David during his father's presidency. Bush was 50 years old when he is father left office in 1992."

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