Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sarah Palin: Founding Fathers Wouldn’t Agree With Separation Of Church And State @sarahpalinusa

A bunch of people have already had some fun with Sarah Palin's claim, at a religious gathering in Kentucky, that religion shouldn't be "separated" from the state.

Word of Palin's assertion came in an article in the Louisville Courier-Journal about an evangelical women's conference featuring Palin. It quotes Palin as saying: "God shouldn't be separated from the state."

But I've got a full transcript of Palin's remarks, and it's worse than you might have thought: She cited the Founding Fathers as proof that God shouldn't be separated from the state. Peter Smith, the Courier-Journal reporter who broke the story, sends over the full context of her remarks:

rest at http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/2012/sarah-palin-founding-fathers-wouldnt-agree-with-separation-of-church-and-state/

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