Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Meet right wing nut job Elton Gallegly, The Chair Of The Immigration Committee #p2 #tcot

We told you last week that Rep. Steve King (R-IA) was passed over as chair of the House immigration subcommittee. King is prone to outrageous statements about immigration and a range of other subjects, and it seemed like a signal that the new Republican leadership wanted to take a more moderate tack -- at least on immigration.

But the person assigned to the subcommittee, Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA), is just about as far-right as King -- he's just quieter about it.

Gallegly has been trying to strip birthright citizenship from the children of illegal immigrants since 1991, when he introduced his first bill to do so. His proposals to change the 14th Amendment have failed repeatedly for 20 years. But now, as changing the birthright citizenship laws becomes increasingly mainstream, it looks as if Gallegly may finally have a chance.

Gallegly -- whose southern California district, like King's, is about 15% Hispanic -- supports amending the Constitution itself to change who counts as a citizen.

In June 2009, Gallegly introduced a bill that would define a natural citizen under the Immigration Act as someone whose mother, specifically, is a citizen or legal resident. That measure would go into effect after the Constitution was amended. The bill never got past committee.

He differs, then, from the new and growing set of anti-citizenship folks who are trying instead to provoke a court battle that ends in the Supreme Court redefining the amendment. King's new birthright citizenship bill, which he introduced last week, would change the way Congress interprets the 14th Amendment via the Immigration and Nationality Act -- but does not mention amending the Constitution itself.

Gallegly introduced or co-sponsored a slew of strict immigration bills last Congress, including one that would withhold federal highway funds from states that issue driver's licenses or other IDs to illegal immigrants and another that would require proof of citizenship for families applying for the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Both died in committee.

Any similar measures he wants to consider in his new committee may have to wait, as Judiciary Committee Chair Lamar Smith has ordered the first two hearings to be about less controversial topics: requiring employers nationwide to use e-Verify and looking into the Obama administration's enforcement of worksite regulations.

Smith, though, supports restricting birthright citizenship. So expect the issue to come up, big-time, in the next two years -- even without the incendiary King at the helm of the subcomittee.

Gallegly's office did not return interview requests.


  1. What if the desperation involved in keeping 0's BC secret lies in who his true father and mother might be? What if his true-bio father is none other than my own, former East German STASI "Master Spy" General Markus Wolf, the master of Legends, false documentations, running agents from birth, and the personal creation of life-long "Manchurian Candidates?" His mother a black person?
    If so, then why did Wolf then deliberately leave such incriminating lame paper trails? Because he was "Turned" long before the Berlin Wall "Fell," is why. He knew the overall agenda that the Commies had for our downfall from within, and knew exactly how to stymie it. Officially, he's been a "Consultant" ever since then - Or long before?
    I.E., HI authorities who specifically designed the COLB to let in foreign spies, and Peleosi and Reid et. al, who deliberately ignored his non-qualifications mean we now have a foreign spy as President. Luring all the moles out of the woodwork who would support this attempted Coup D'Edat to Communism.
    They have set themselves up for that capital crime, espionage. You can see this in the furtive and ***-puckering actions of Gov. Acrocrombie and the past lies on Youtube by former Gov. Linda Lingle.
    (Worse than the videos by Scott Peterson and Gary Condit...)
    The neat thing about being an "MC" is that one can be corralled by the CIA and counter-run, even without knowing it's happening. I know, they did it to me, the way they've done it to many others. See my website to see what it's like. for many doc's and "Family photos."

  2. What if the desperation involved in keeping 0's BC secret lies in who his true father and mother might be? What if his true-bio father is none other than my own, former East German STASI "Master Spy" General Markus Wolf, the master of Legends, false documentations, running agents from birth, and the personal creation of life-long "Manchurian Candidates?" His mother a black person?
    If so, then why did Wolf then deliberately leave such incriminating lame paper trails? Because he was "Turned" long before the Berlin Wall "Fell," is why. He knew the overall agenda that the Commies had for our downfall from within, and knew exactly how to stymie it. Officially, he's been a "Consultant" ever since then - Or long before?
    I.E., HI authorities who specifically designed the COLB to let in foreign spies, and Peleosi and Reid et. al, who deliberately ignored his non-qualifications mean we now have a foreign spy as President. Luring all the moles out of the woodwork who would support this attempted Coup D'Edat to Communism.
    They have set themselves up for that capital crime, espionage. You can see this in the furtive and ***-puckering actions of Gov. Acrocrombie and the past lies on Youtube by former Gov. Linda Lingle.
    (Worse than the videos by Scott Peterson and Gary Condit...)
    The neat thing about being an "MC" is that one can be corralled by the CIA and counter-run, even without knowing it's happening. I know, they did it to me, the way they've done it to many others. See my website to see what it's like. for many doc's and "Family photos."
