Friday, May 20, 2011

Scam: lures students to useless for-profit degrees lifelong debt #p2 #tcot


"As Sen. Dick Durbin explained yesterday, one high profile company which connects prospective students to career colleges,, lures students into the world of frequently useless for-profit degrees and punishing lifelong debt with commercials of young ladies lying in bed in their underwear, supposedly taking online courses. Would you like to have sex with this person? You would? Well here's $100k in loans for a couple of algebra CDs, now go arrange a study session with her!"

rest at


  1. Education Connection SELLS YOUR INFORMATION TO OTHER COMPANY's. If you sign up on there site you will get spam and other trash sent daily to your home and email. If you really want to go to college.... do the research yourself! don't be fooled by this pathetic sex based advertising.

  2. Yeaaa...and...the man that came up with this blog probably WOULD come up with something so sexist.

  3. Its an obvious scam, besides the whole "sex appeal" thing. Its website changes like every week an its not even a ".edu" website! SCAAM?! I think yes.

  4. i see this commercial and i thank god i am going to a real university. this commercial is aimed at the youth who do not have the care to educate themselves throughout high school and are now "flipping burgers", 100 percent of all highschool graduates do not know what to expect from the real world and take commercials as good advice/ideas. its shameful to see a commercial aired that invites the nieve into debt slavery

    1. It must be nice to have been spoon fed your whole life, and never have to worry about where your next meal is going to come from.

    2. You must be really educated what with your spelling being "all good n stuff hyuk". Get your head out of your ass you smug piece of shit.

  5. Oh my god relax everyone. Pull the stick out of your ass.

  6. i think that nigger is out to do as much damage to america as possible. and what does young girls dancing around in their panties havr to do with college?? come on now

  7. Why dont they ever have hot dudes in pajama bottoms?!? Then perhaps I'd log on...

    1. Lol yeah that would be a game changer, wouldn't it, haha.

  8. I just have to ask the poster from 1/4/12, what "real university" are you attending that can't teach you how to spell naive? I need to avoid it. And to the poster from 2/5/12: you are living proof that education is not a cure for ignorance. You appear really uneducated. Your lack of proper capitalization and grammar says A LOT. Maybe is just right for the likes of you.

  9. we're collecting your information online.. and.. selling your info on our own time.. get connected.. for FREE :) hahaha


  11. It is a good thing I did research before I took my chances going to this place.

  12. My butt itches.... And yes this is a SCAM!

  13. I've been browsing the internet looking at different programs at different colleges because I've been thinking of going back to school. No, I don't "flip burgers" although, I don't see anything shameful in that work. I appreciate those who have the patience to deal with the public like that on an every day basis. I am actually a college graduate already. My profession, English Teacher. Ironically enough, I'm an educator seeking education because I can't get a job in this economy. I had one, but I was laid off because funding in our state was cut tremendously. Maybe, if the federal government would back the states in educating our youth, we wouldn't have a use for commercials and "scams" like this. However, instead of taking your word for it, I will act like the intelligent person I am and do my own research on the matter before making any life changing decisions. By the way, I'm a girl, and, not only am I not attracted to these girls on the commercials, but I also don't see pajamas enticing anyone else. I don't find the commercials offensive; slightly annoying, yes, but offensive? No. And as for them selling your information, well I get all kinds of spam and junk mail from "job search" engines so, if someone were to actually benefit from this website than the spam and junk mail are worth it. Besides, unless you go directly to the source and not a search engine, you're going to get spam.

  14. I'm not bothered by a company wanting to give away free education pamphlets. But that's the only thing you get for free. Pamphlets. Want to go to college? You should know what you want to do first and foremost.

    The worst part about this is that they promise you that if you earn a degree, you'll automatically be entitles to earn more money than people without a degree. It's deceptive, and it's a cruel sick joke.

    College is supposed to be a training ground to earn the right skills for a career you really want, not a place to spend money on for a worthless piece of paper called a college degree. But most people will go to college and take gen-ed for 5 years, get a degree, and think that automatically entitles them to money.

    People scammed by this deserve to be scammed for not doing their own research or knowing their own career path.

    Commence sarcasm in 3..2..1..
    A commercial that changes websites every time it's aired? Seems Legit.

  15. My butt feels rather itchy as well

  16. Yeah this is a scam. What does it have to do with Obama?

  17. I love you grammar whores who assume someone is an idiot or "uneducated" because they misspelled a word here and there online. We're all guilty of making mistakes in a flurry of typing. Your obsession with prim and proper English is irrelevant to the point that guy was making, yet it was all you could focus on.


    Check it out and pay attention to the actually website they ask you to go to. Usually it's got a number in it (another dead giveaway) like '' and the following week, it's '', etc. And it's got Shannon Doherety pimping the service, whom can't get an acting job in Hollywood if she were the last actress in the world, so...

    I'm just sayin'...

    "Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play." - Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister, Socialist Nazi Party, 1938
