Ryan could have run every single one of his seven election cycles just like former U.S. Senator Bill Proxmire (D-WI), who ran statewide but only totaled about $1,000 for his nominating petitions and a handful of other expenses.
Instead, Ryan has decided to make himself beholden to some of the biggest corporate interests in America. FIRE (finance, insurance and real estate) poured $2.8 million into his races over the years so he could go mano-a-mano with the likes of John Heckenlively, an unemployed reporter who spent exactly $0 in his 2010 run against Ryan.
Today, the House Budget Chairman is one of the top political fundraisers in Congress. Ryan has $5.4 million in his campaign account, about $2 million more than the next highest House member.
So, who is ladling on the dough?
The answer is the firms that would benefit the most if Ryan's plans to privatize Medicare and repeal Wall Street reform were to go forward -- plus a little bit of Koch.
Taking Money from Big Insurance While Throwing Grannie Off a Cliff
The insurance industry and its employees have given $815,328to Ryan's election efforts over his career, more than any other industry, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics. The insurance industry would be the big winner if Ryan's plans to turn Medicare into a voucher system move forward.
While most developed nations have found a way to pay for health care for all their citizens, the United States is only able to provide low-cost, comprehensive health care coverage for seniors. With a new study out showing that half of Americans die with no financial assets, Medicare is literally a life saver for millions of seniors and their children who often cannot afford to take care of their elderly parents without the government's help.
Ryan's proposed 2013 budget would replace this system with one that provides a government voucher to force families to purchase insurance on the private market. If the insurance company decides it can't or won't cover all your needs, tough luck.
No wonder Republicans are working so hard to disenfranchise elderly voters with a variety of voter suppression proposals."
rest at http://www.prwatch.org/news/2012/08/11704/paul-ryan-bankrolled-banksters-privatizers-and-kochs
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