Monday, December 16, 2013

right-wing's Benghazi story just collapsed all over again - 'CIA Testimony Destroys Benghazi "Stand Down" Hoax'

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The Associated Press (AP) reported that congressional testimony from CIA officers and contractors who were in Libya the night of the September 11 Benghazi attacks once again revealed that no "stand down" orders were ever given, and that a faster response still could not have saved American lives.

Conservative media have repeatedly pushed the myth that security forces in Libya the night of the attack were ordered to "stand down" rather than rush to the aid of their colleagues in the diplomatic compound. Fox News went so far as to suggest this was a political decision to "sacrifice Americans" by the Obama administration, and pushed the false narrative in at least 85 primetime segments. CBS' botched Benghazi report with Lara Logan and discredited "witness" Dylan Davies also pushed the myth, claiming "a quick reaction force from the CIA Annex ignored orders to wait and raced to the compound."

The CIA has repeatedly denied that any stand-down orders had ever been given, and reinforcements actually arrived from Tripoli in time for the second attack on the CIA facility.

On December 14, an AP report explained how the "stand down" hoax developed, destroying the false conservative narrative. According to Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) who heads the House intelligence subcommittee which interviewed the CIA officers, the myth of a "stand down" order derived from the CIA decision to try to "first gather intelligence and round up Libyan militia allies armed with heavy weapons" before rushing into the violent scene, a decision some security contractors initially disagreed with."

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