Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Emanuel: Middle-class tax cut a priority for Obama"

Emanuel: Middle-class tax cut a priority for Obama

Emanuel: Middle-class tax cut a priority for Obama

Creating jobs and cutting taxes for the middle-class are the two most important criteria for a economic stimulus package under an Obama administration, an official said Sunday.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chosen White House Chief of Staff, talked with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News on Sunday and said the decline of retail sales and increase in unemployment indicate a crisis.

"Over the last seven years, the American middle-class are working harder, earning less and paying more," Emanuel said. "There's no time to waste, let's get on with helping the American people."

When asked if President-elect Obama would consider postponing his proposal to increase taxes on the wealthy, Emanuel avoided the question and reinforced Obama's middle-class focus.

"This opportunity and crisis provides, as the president-elect has said repeatedly, the opportunity to do things immediately that Americans have pushed off for years," Emanuel said.

Politico's Mike Allen has more details here.

This video is from ABC's This Week, broadcast November 9, 2008.

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