Tuesday, October 29, 2013

JC Penney CEO Makes 1,795 Times More Than Workers - Largest Gap in U.S. - as Company Loses 73% Value

story here http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/10/27/1251041/-JC-Penney-CEO-Makes-1-795-More-Than-Workers-Largest-Gap-in-U-S-as-Company-Loses-73-Value?detail=email

"JC Penney declined to comment, perhaps due to the sobering fact that, while Johnson makes an annual salary of $53.3 million, his workers earn a meager average salary of $28,688. Or maybe the company declined to comment since it cut 43,000 jobs last year. Or perhaps it's because, at a time in which it has created the largest CEO-to-worker pay gap in the country, it is also fighting a proposed SEC rule that would require corporations to consider workers' salaries when calculating that of a CEO.

Of course, most of corporate America is fighting this proposed law as well. Apparently, not because these executives deserve the money they are being paid based on performance.

No. They are fighting the proposed rule due to blind corporate greed. They are fighting the rule due to systematic attempts by executives to protect their own interests at the expense of those workers who allow their companies function. Those workers who cannot afford many of the basic necessities of life, including those products they work hard to sell."

rest at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/10/27/1251041/-JC-Penney-CEO-Makes-1-795-More-Than-Workers-Largest-Gap-in-U-S-as-Company-Loses-73-Value?detail=email

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