Monday, December 16, 2013

in the field of early Christianity tries to educate Megyn Kelly @foxnews @megynkelly

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"Even more disconcerting was your equally inaccurate assertion that Jesus was white.  Jesus was, of course, Jewish, and so was racially Semitic, at a time when there was very little intermarriage of Jews with non-Jews.  This means that Jesus would have had black or very dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin, with Middle Eastern facial features, including probably a large nose.  He was most certainly not a white European.  The portraits of Jesus that I have seen in Protestant churches and homes throughout the country depicting him with light brown or even blue eyes, light brown (almost blond) hair, and clearly European facial features is as historically inaccurate as any black/African Jesus. Ironically, then, It appears that you are as concerned to make important figures such as Jesus and St. Nicholas/Santa Claus similar to your own cultural and racial identity as is Aisha Harris.  Perhaps you should be more sympathetic to her position."


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