Sunday, December 15, 2013

@megynkelly Here is Megyn Kelly's apology, that really wasn't one on the Whiteness of Jesus and Santa

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"Since no one actually apologizes at Fox News, Megyn Kelly's discomfort is an interesting precedent.

In fact, Kelly was AWOL from her show Friday night.

She was forced to acknowledge and then respond to the vast amount of both criticism and ridicule her comments about the racial make-up of the two iconic figures.

It seems that the blond news anchor was "only joking." Come on folks, she was kidding. Stop criticizing.

Don't let her serious mien and previous statements of race-baiting fool you.

Just a quick aside, it does appear as if the Easter Bunny is in fact white.

It is time for Fox News, writ large, to get out of the Christmas business. There are no wars, nor is it appropriate or even normal to state unequivocally the racial lineage of popular cultural figures based on people long dead."

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