Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's official: 'center-right nation' is now right-wingers' favorite meme from Crooks and Liars

Center-right nation_d9685.JPG

If anyone were betting on it, I would happily wager that the right-wing talking point that "this is still a center-right nation" was being ginned up and distributed to every conservative talking head on the planet within 24 hours of Barack Obama's election victory, if not before.

I mean, it's coming out of the mouths of nearly every single right-wing pundit who's managed airtime since Nov. 5. It started the next day, and has only gained volume since.

And of course, it's so risibly false that it really tells us much more about conservatives and their grip on reality than anything else.

David Sirota has the goods on just how prominent the theme has become since the election:


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