Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Late Nite: A Wingnut and His Money are Really Easily Parted from Firedoglake


An infection more tenacious than the most virulent strain of tuberculosis is headed toward New Jersey:

TRENTON, NJ (AP) -- Joe the Plumber will be stumping for a New Jersey Republican who is running for governor.
. . .
Lonegan's campaign is charging $1,000 for a private meeting with the one-time plumber and the candidate.

Okay, I give up. What drooling half-wit is going to part with a thousand ameros for the "opportunity" to listen to this walking political cold sore extemporize on the devilish intricacies of the Internal Revenue Code, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or any other errant subject that might mistakenly wander into his cranial dead zone? Is it really worth $1,000 to hear him tell you that he's horny?

And then, at the other end of the spectrum, the rich, incestuous wingnuts continue to financially reward their own dauphins. Today we learned that Bill Kristol, the Jethro Bodine of the Conservative Set, the monomaniac PNAC groupie who cozied his way into a column for the New York Times, received an award for . . . something:

Kristol, the dumb son of a smart conservative who went crazy, is a lazy thinker, a terrible writer, and, as we mentioned, he has always been completely wrong about everything.

So because there is essentially an extensive and quite well-funded private welfare fund for hacks who get everything wrong, the Bradley Foundation is going to straight-up give him $250,000 for no fucking reason.

Two hundred and fifty grand sure does buy a lot of cocktail weenies.

But let's not forget those right-wing organizations that are willing to burn $150,000 to hear George W. Bush reminisce on his "joyous" eight years as President of the United States. . . .

Jeezus. And people call the lottery a tax on the innumerate? That scratch-off ticket is still a sounder investment than a night with Joe the Plumber.

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