Monday, April 27, 2009

“Swine Flu Sue”: Ashamed of Her Hatchet Job on Flu Preparedness? from Firedoglake


Email from Brendan Skwire -- how to make sue collins office flip out:

1: call DC and identify yourself as a maine resident.
2: point out that you remember that you saw an interview with Sue Collins at her senate website in which she brags to the WSJ about getting pandemic funds cut from the stimulus.
3: point out that that particular article is now missing from her website, but the articles immediately preceding and following remain.
4: tell them you have a cache and then begin reading from it:
5: take your ear away from the phone, because sue collins staff tends to yell A LOT when you ask them why the article was scrubbed. be prepared to talk over someone as you tell them you sent the screenshot to everyone you know in maine.

(screenshot via turneresq)

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