Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reverse Racism: Would someone please pull Danny Davis into the 21st century from ChicagoNow


Danny Davis needs to move into the 21st Century. As the election returns come in Tuesday night, I am proud of Chicago voters for rejecting the outdated dogma preached by Chicago's "black leaders."

It's 2011. In this day and age, Danny Davis attempted to shame black people into voting for Carol Moseley Braun solely because of the color of her skin. For Danny Davis, the color of her skin was the only reason he needed to vote for her. When someone as esteemed as Danny Davis spouts that crap- we need to call that speech what it is: racist.

Danny Davis said:

"I remember two principles of liberation and self-determination that my parents taught," Davis says in a booming, explosive baritone. "My mother often told us that it is a poor dog that will not wag its own tail. My father would tell us that the Bible says any man who will not support his own house is worse than any infidel.

"In honor of my parents during Black History Month, I am voting for Carol Moseley Braun for mayor, and ask that you vote for the best candidate. Punch 3 for Carol Moseley Braun."

Apparently, Chicago's black community is full of infidels as Carol Moseley Braun came in fourth in the election with roughly 9% of the vote.

I am proud that all Chicagoans- especially the black community- rejected the outdated thinking represented by Danny Davis and mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun. It's shameful Danny Davis used the same arguments used by challengers of Harold Washington in 1983 which continued after his election during Council Wars to promote Carol Moseley Braun.

Fortunately that backward thinking failed miserably; wards 1-9, all primarily African-American wards, came in over 50% for Rahm. Carol Moseley Braun did not win a single ward. 

Chicago will have another black mayor. That person won't be elected because of the color of his/her skin, but rather because that person is the best candidate. And that, Danny Davis, is what earns my vote: the best candidate. Not the blackest one.

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