Monday, February 7, 2011

scam: Commemorative 9/11 Coins About As Worthless As Normal, Not-9/11 Money

A shrewd investor knows that not all 1-800 Call Now infomercials will make you rich immediately. Aside from Cats4Gold and multifarious Glenn Beck NASCAR bullion, most televised coins and samurai kitchen swords will provide only "modest" returns — and only if FDR doesn't steal them from you first. So you need to be very careful when purchasing strange 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Coins featuring "sculptures of the USS New York and the World Trade Center towers," because contrary to popular belief, the USS New York did not crash into the Twin Towers. Sadly, these $29.95 coins are actually worthless and not even remotely affiliated with the U.S. Mint. (The real 9/11 coin features a cruise missile attacking the Pentagon.) Scams. They're everywhere, never forget!

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